Saturday, September 23, 2006

Piedmont Park
Atlanta has one of the most beautiful intown parks. Piedmont Park has a large lake, lots of walking trails, two playgrounds (one from the 70s I do believe), and tons of interesting people to watch. Last week I had to go to Boston for work. Before I took Abby to our good friends where she would be staying while I was gone, we spent the afternoon at the park. It was a beautiful early fall day and we both had a great time.

How cute is she!

Watch me mom!!

There is a Willy's at the park. You can't beat their black bean burritos!

Swinging on the 1970s swing. This thing goes HIGH! The 1970s slide is really fun and exciting for kids because it is huge, metal, and FAST. The ladder, however, is about as far from safe as it can get. It is a wonder anyone survived the 70s.

Beautiful girl in front of the Free Nelson Mandela structure.