Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug
Oh but we had a rough week last week. People talk a lot about the terrible twos but for almost every parent I have ever talked to, they say the terrible twos are nothing but a mere warm up for a three year old. I have to completely agree. The tantrums are definitely fewer in number and shorter in duration but they are also way more dramatic.

Last week, Abby had a few days where she did not get stickers because she had trouble listening to her teachers. Thursday we were to go to her friend Alyssa's house after school so the girls could go skating on their new skates. When I picked up Abby, her teachers informed me that Abby had quite the defiant day that day. Not a good sign and in hindsight, even a bit of foreshadowing.

The skating started out well but then the girls got in a bit of a disagreement over who was going to hold a broom. Yes, a broom. The cause of most world wars I do believe. Well, Abby kind of just lost it. She had the mother of all tantrums. The grand poobah. The kind where I was just waiting for her head to spin around. After a very serious warning and behavior that not only didn't stop, but actually intensified, I picked up Abby (as much as one can pick up a kicking and screaming being) and as calmly as I could, told Alyssa's mom we would not be able to stay. Putting same kicking, screaming child into the car seat provided an aerobic workout that most people pay good money for.

Yes, I am one of those moms. I feel very strongly that Abby's behavior that particular day could not be rewarded by getting to stay at Alyssa's house. So I promptly took her home where a time out awaited her. Amazingly, the rest of the night she was her normal happy self. I did also put up the skates and told her she could work to earn them back. Her teachers were in full agreement of this and feel that using it as a reminder during the week next week will help a lot. So, hopefully next Friday, she will have earned them back.

I'm so glad Abby has this amazing spirit. I feel it is going to take her very far in life. In the mean time, it is my job to set boundaries and it is her job to test those boundaries. Plus, she is a little person, and everyone just has rough weeks every now and then. All I know, is that I love being her mommy more than anything and I wouldn't trade it, tantrums and all, for anything in the world.