Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No more naps
Well, I don't think I was quite ready for the naps to be done but Abby had gotten to the stage where naptime was a battle and she really wasn't going to sleep at all. Combine that with all the sleeping problems we had upon returning from vacation (let's just say it was a rough month), and it became evident that it was time for no more naps. We still have "quiet time" after lunch and Abby goes to her room but she can put together puzzles, look at her books, play with blocks, etc. This has helped so much with bedtime.

There are still days, however, when Abby is absolutely worn out after school and will fall asleep on the way home. It's funny because it is a 12 minute drive but a couple of times that first week or so she would crash so hard that it was hard to wake her up when we got home.

Completely out!

I am happy to write that the combination of no nap and a slightly later (8:00pm) bedtime have worked wonders. Add to that the bonus of "pink milk" every morning she stays in her bed all night long and we have moved back to a routine that is working. Pink milk is really strawberry milk and is a true motivation for her!! And most mornings she earns her pink milk now. I am very proud of her!!!