Sunday, January 09, 2005

I'm not even going to make up excuses. I confess I have gotten out of the habit of writing here. If I were someone who believed in new year's resolutions, I would make one to get back in the swing of writing regularly. But for me new year's resolutions are something that last until the end of January and I would rather this journal last longer so I'm not calling it a resolution. Pure coincidence that I'm starting again at the beginning of January.

So where was I? :-) I do believe I last left off around Halloween. Yeah, a lot has happened since then. Here goes a little catch up. It might be a good time to play some moving end of year music like all the networks like to do around the last year in December. Just a suggestion.

I finally bought a new car (had my last one for 9 years). Exactly 2 weeks after I got it, Abby and I were stopped at a redlight when all of a sudden we were plowed from behind by a woman driving (and I use that term loosely) a jeep wrangler. The woman was speeding and looking down. An excellent combination for someone driving. Fortunately Abby and I were okay (I was just very sore for a few days). The car? Not so much. Five weeks later I got my car back. Yes, the woman did a lot of damage. Amazing how something like that can make you grateful, but I felt so incredibly fortunate that we were not hurt. The car was a mere after thought. I did suggest the woman slow down. And look up. I doubt she did either but I can hope.

The holidays were wonderful for us. Abby had her first Thanksgiving, her first Christmas (at home that is) and her first New Year's (at home). Though sitting on Santa's lap simply did not happen this year (she became velcro toddler whenever Santa was close by and would not budge), she seemed to love all the rest of the excitement of the holidays. Especially the tree. Every day the first thing she wanted to do was check out the tree. She loved to play beside it and dance beside it and read beside it. I have always loved the holidays but nothing can compare to this year and seeing everything through Abby's eyes.

One of her favorite parts of Christmas was handing out gifts to others. She was quite good at it too. :-) She was so cute handing all of her teachers their gifts. She would give each one a gift and then give a hug. That is one image I will never forget. Her Christmas party at school was one of the sweetest sights ever. Mostly the kids just danced. And oh how they danced.

Abby still loves her class, her teacher, and especially her friends. Every single morning one little boy, Will, brings Abby a "cookie" (graham cracker really). He walks in each day with a cookie in each hand and makes a beeline for Abby. Abby now starts saying "Will! Cookie!" when we are about 3 blocks from the school. Last week was "A" week. They did apple art and read "A" books (among other A things). This week will be "B" week. I'm sure you are seeing a pattern here. :-)

Christmas Eve night we went to the family oriented service at church. Abby did very well considering it was her first time in big church (since her baptism). She is normally in the nursery. I mean, the bulletins are really there for coloring, right? She did like to clap after someone sang. Christmas day we went up to Rome to spend a few days with my mom, grandmother, and Bryan. They had a great time spoiling Abby and she had fun being spoiled.

New Year's Eve we went to the Children's Museum with Kris, Avery, Dawn, Alec, and Gerri and Corre (and some of their friends). It was a really fun morning though the kids were mostly off and running in their own directions. We did manage to corral them long enough at noon to celebrate New Year's (Kazakhstan time) with a toast of sparkling cider. Abby did drink some but seemed to wonder why that juice was all bubbly. We finished the day with her first lunch at The Varsity (which she really loved). We rarely eat fast food and The Varsity is the definition of fast food but hey, you have to celebrate the end of a wonderful year in style.

This week we had a really huge milestone at the Green house. The end of the pacifier. We are still in the middle of withdrawal but have now made it 6 days without. The real tough times were bed time and nap time as she mostly used the pacifier when going to sleep. I'll suffice it to say we have had significantly less collective sleep but I think we are moving in the right direction. It has been a 2 steps forward, 1 step back kind of week. I'm very proud of her!! It is hard to kick that first habit!

Abby is talking so much now. She flat out repeats everything that is said. She has even said her first curse word. I'm going to put in her baby book that Papa Bryan is responsible for teaching the word to her. :-) I'm just glad it wasn't me! I'm also proud to report that she even repeated his inflection and tone. Hey, if you are going to do it, then you must do it right. Some of Abby's other words/sentences include: I love du (I love you), Allo (telephone - means hello), tank tu (thank you), peas (please), hug, shoe off (usually said just as she manages to take off her shoe), mommy's shoes (usually said just as she has put my shoes on), Giggles! (Wiggles), applesauce (stands for anything in a small container such as yogurt, applesauce, etc.). These are just to name a few of my favorites. She truly is talking all the time now.

Well, the last couple of months have been a major fit of nostalgia for me. November 19 marked one year since I received Abby's referral. December 19 marked one year since I received travel dates. January 5 marked one year since the day I left for Kazakhstan. Yesterday (January 8) marked one year since I first met Abby, first held her, first kissed those cheeks. Those around me have been politely nodding and smiling when I mention these anniversaries. For me, I simply can not believe it has been a year. I scarcely remember my life before Abby. In some ways, I can't believe we have been home a year and in some ways it seems she has always been with me.

My sweet, goofy, funny, smart, loving girl has captured my heart in a way I'm not sure I even knew was possible. It's hard to have a bad day when a 21 month old brings you a plate she "cooked" in her new kitchen containing chocolate cake, garden peas, and ketchup. It is hard to have a bad day when you hear a little voice asking you to read a book. It is hard to have a bad day when you hear "MOMMMMMYYYYY" as your daughter runs to you at the end of the day. Never before did I ever think to store the remote control in the refrigerator. Never before did I think I would love (and know) the words to "Hot Potato Cold Spaghetti" as I now do.

Yeah, it has been an incredible year. I'm sure I will have much more to say on January 21, our first Family Day (the anniversary of the day we became a family). But for now, I will sign off determined to update this journal on a regular basis. :-) Good night from Atlanta.